Hey folks, if you are searching “flower name in Marathi and English” {फुलांची मराठी नावे } then you are in right place. in this article, we have mentioned a “list of flower names in Marathi with image“ (प्रतिमेसह मराठीतील फुलांच्या नावांची यादी). I know you want to learn flower names that’s why you are here. Many students have a task to note down all flower names in Marathi, so that they can learn and share this article with friends. Because of Here is the list of names of many flowers in the Marathi language.
Flowers Name In Marathi and English
Sl. No. | Flowers’s Name in English | Flowers’s Name in Hindi | Flowers Name In Marathi |
1. | Night cestrum | रात की रानी | रातराणी |
2. | Annona Hexapetala | चम्पा | चाफा |
3. | Chrysanthemums | शेवंती | शेवंती |
4. | Calotropis gingantea or Giant milkweed | रूई | रूई |
5. | Crape Jasmine or Pinwheel | चांदनी | तगर |
6. | Common Jasmine | जुई | जुई |
7. | Jasmin or Jasminum grandiflorum | चमेली | जाई |
8. | lotus | कमल | कमल |
9. | tuberose | निशिगंध | निशिगंध |
10. | Jasmine | कुंदा | कुंदा |
11. | rose | गुलाब | गुलाब |
12. | hibiscus | गुडहल | जास्वंद |
13. | magnolia | चम्पा | चंपा |
14. | Jasminum sambac | मोगरा | मोगरा |
15. | Royal poinciana/Peacock Flower | गुलमोहर | गुलेतुरा |
16. | Sweet Granadilla | कृष्णकमल | कृष्णकमल |
17. | Coral Jasmine | पारिजात | पारिजातक |
18. | Mimusops elengi / Bullet wood | मौलसारी | बकुल |
19. | Spanish Jasmine | चमेली | चमेली |
20. | Marigold | गेंदा | झेंडू |
21. | Periwinkle | सदाबहार | सदाफुली |
22. | Peacock Flower | शंकासुर | शंकासुर |
23. | Umbrella Tree or Screw pine | केवडा | केवडा |
24. | Frangiapani or Michelia Champa | सोनचाफा | सोनचाफा |
25. | Indian Shot or Canna Indica | कर्दल | कर्दल |
26. | Rangoon creeper | मधुमालती | मधुमालती |
27. | Yellow ginger | सोनटक्का | सोनटक्का |
28. | Lantana Camera | राईमुनिया | घाणेरी |
29. | Cypress vine | कमलता | गणेशवेल |
30. | Sunflower | सूरजमुखी | सूर्यफूल |
31. | Oleander | कनेर | कण्हेर |
32. | Datura | सफेद धतूरा | धोतरा |
33. | Crossandra | अबोली | अबोली |
Flowers name in Marathi and English with pictures. (प्रतिमेसह मराठीतील फुलांच्या नावांची यादी) so you can identify well here and anywhere will you go and see around you in Parks and Mountains. You will know here how many beautiful flowers on the earth, which can make us the pleasure in mind.
Flowers Name in Marathi with Pictures
1. Hibiscus
English Name | Marathi Name | Scientific Name |
Hibiscus | Jaswand | Hibiscus rosa-sinensis |
2. Lantana
English Name | Marathi Name | Scientific Name |
Lantana | Ghaneri | Lantana camara |
3. Tuberose
English Name | Marathi Name | Scientific Name |
Tuberose | Nishigandh | Polianthes tuberosa |
4. Canna Lily
English Name | Marathi Name | Scientific Name |
Canna Lily | Kardali | Canna |
5. Butterfly Pea
English Name | Marathi Name | Scientific Name |
Butterfly Pea | Gokarni | Clitoria ternatea |
6. Sunflower
English Name | Marathi Name | Scientific Name |
Sunflower | Suryaphul | Helianthus |
7. Peacock Flower
English Name | Marathi Name | Scientific Name |
Peacock Flower | Shankasur | Caesalpinia pulcherrima |
8. Common Jasmine
English Name | Marathi Name | Scientific Name |
Common Jasmine | Jui / Jati Jai | Jasminum officinale |
9. Pride of India
English Name | Marathi Name | Scientific Name |
Pride of India | Tamhan | Lagerstroemia speciosa |
10. Night-blooming jasmine
English Name | Marathi Name | Scientific Name |
Night-blooming jasmine
night-scented cestrum |
Raatrani | Cestrum nocturnum |
11. Marigold
English Name | Marathi Name | Scientific Name |
Marigold | Jhendu | Tagetes |
12. Mums
English Name | Marathi Name | Scientific Name |
Mums or Chrysanths | Sevanti | Chrysanthemum |
13. Crape Jasmine
English Name | Marathi Name | Scientific Name |
Crape Jasmine / Pinwheel | Tagar | Tabernaemontana divaricata |
14. Lotus
English Name | Marathi Name | Scientific Name |
Lotus | Kamal | Nelumbo |
15. Rose
English Name | Marathi Name | Scientific Name |
Rose | Gulaab | Rosa |
16. Magnolia
English Name | Marathi Name | Scientific Name |
Magnolia | Champa | Magnolia grandiflora |
17. Arabian jasmine
English Name | Marathi Name | Scientific Name |
Arabian jasmine | Mogra | Jasminum sambac |
18. Sweet Granadilla
English Name | Marathi Name | Scientific Name |
Sweet Granadilla | Krishnkamal | Passiflora ligularis |
19. Coral Jasmine
English Name | Marathi Name | Scientific Name |
Coral Jasmine
Night-flowering jasmine |
Parijat | Nyctanthes arbor-tristis |
20. Fragrant screw pine
English Name | Marathi Name | Scientific Name |
Fragrant screw pine | Kevda | Pandanus odorifer |
21. Spanish cherry
English Name | Marathi Name | Scientific Name |
Spanish cherry | Bakul | Mimusops elengi |
22. Rangoon creeper
English Name | Marathi Name | Scientific Name |
Rangoon creeper | Madhumalati | Combretum indicum |
23. Cypress vine
English Name | Marathi Name | Scientific Name |
Cypress vine/ Star Glory | Ganeshvel | Ipomoea quamoclit |
24. Oleander
English Name | Marathi Name | Scientific Name |
Oleander | Kanher | Nerium oleander |
25. Madagascar Periwinkle
English Name | Marathi Name | Scientific Name |
Madagascar Periwinkle | Sadafuli | Catharanthus roseus |
26. Datura
English Name | Marathi Name | Scientific Name |
Datura | Dhotra | Datura |
27. Star jasmine
English Name | Marathi Name | Scientific Name |
Star jasmine | Kunda | Jasminum multiflorum |
28. Royal jasmine
English Name | Marathi Name | Scientific Name |
Royal jasmine | Jai | Jasminum grandiflorum |
29. Firecracker flower
English Name | Marathi Name | Scientific Name |
Firecracker flower | Aboli | Crossandra infundibuliformis |
30. Frangipani
English Name | Marathi Name | Scientific Name |
Frangipani | Chapha | Plumeria |
31. Crown flower
English Name | Marathi Name | Scientific Name |
Crown flower | Rui | Calotropis gingantea |
32. Royal poinciana
English Name | Marathi Name | Scientific Name |
Royal poinciana | Guletura | Delonix regia |
33. Yellow ginger lily
English Name | Marathi Name | Scientific Name |
Yellow ginger lily | Sontakka | Hedychium flavescens |
34. Ixora
English Name | Marathi Name | Scientific Name |
Ixora | Ixora |
35. Globe Amaranath
English Name | Marathi Name | Scientific Name |
Globe Amaranath | Gomphrena globosa |
36. Indian Tulip
English Name | Marathi Name | Scientific Name |
Indian Tulip | Thespesia populnea |
37. White Water Lily
English Name | Marathi Name | Scientific Name |
White Water Lily | Nymphaea alba |
38. Blue Water Lily
English Name | Marathi Name | Scientific Name |
Blue Water Lily | Nymphaea caerulea |
39. Lily
English Name | Marathi Name | Scientific Name |
Lily | Lilium |
40. paperflower
English Name | Marathi Name | Scientific Name |
paperflower | Bougainvillea glabra |
41. cockscomb
English Name | Marathi Name | Scientific Name |
Cockscomb | Celosia |
42. Damask Rose
English Name | Marathi Name | Scientific Name |
Damask Rose | Rosa × damascena |
43. Dahilia
English Name | Marathi Name | Scientific Name |
Dahlia | Dahlia |
44. Cypress Vine/ Star Glory
English Name | Marathi Name | Scientific Name |
Cypress Vine/ Star Glory | Ipomoea quamoclit |
45. Elephant Creeper
English Name | Marathi Name | Scientific Name |
Elephant Creeper | Argyreia nervosa |
46. Marvel of peru
English Name | Marathi Name | Scientific Name |
Marvel of peru | Mirabilis jalapa |
47. Green Shrimp Plant
English Name | Marathi Name | Scientific Name |
Green Shrimp Plant | Ecbolium ligustrinum |
48. Gloriosa Lily
English Name | Marathi Name | Scientific Name |
Gloriosa Lily | Gloriosa superba |
49. Kurinji
English Name | Marathi Name | Scientific Name |
Kurinji | Strobilanthes kunthiana |
50. Anjani Flower
English Name | Marathi Name | Scientific Name |
Anjani | Memecylon umbellatum |
51. Cobra Saffron
English Name | Marathi Name | Scientific Name |
Cobra Saffron | Mesua ferrea |
52. Daffodil
English Name | Marathi Name | Scientific Name |
Daffodil | Narcissus |
53. Safflower
English Name | Marathi Name | Scientific Name |
Safflower | Carthamus tinctorius |
54. Tanner’s Cassia
English Name | Marathi Name | Scientific Name |
Tanner’s cassia | Senna auriculata |
55. Daisy
English Name | Marathi Name | Scientific Name |
Daisy | Bellis |
56. Butterfly Orchid
English Name | Marathi Name | Scientific Name |
Butterfly Orchid | Encyclia tampensis |
57. Garden Cosmos
English Name | Marathi Name | Scientific Name |
Garden cosmos | Cosmos bipinnatus |
58. Balsam
English Name | Marathi Name | Scientific Name |
Balsam | Impatiens balsamina |
59. Water Hyacinth
English Name | Marathi Name | Scientific Name |
Water hyacinth | Eichhornia |
60. Flame Of Forest
English Name | Marathi Name | Scientific Name |
Flame of the forest | Butea monosperma |
Flowers name in Marathi video
I Hope, Your Search flower’s name in Marathi Ends here, We have shared 30+ Flowers’ Names in Marathi, English, and Hindi for better understanding. Students can easily note down these flowers’ names and they can also share this article with their friends.
flowers name in Marathi and English with pictures